Hicimos una reserva online a traves de EasyRentCars. A la hora de recoger el coche nos informaron de algunos problemas los cuales para solucionar teniamos de pagar de 50€ en 50€ para solucionarnos algo (exculpandose en q al haber echo la reserva con intermediario ellos no podian modificar nada..... Pero si pagabamos, si.....jajajjaja). He ido de forma amable a pedirle un poco de ayuda al encargado y de forma muy soberbia y prepotente respondio q no se metia en ello (aún sabiendo q llevábamos dos horas intentando solucionar algo sin exito), q no se pensaba salir tarde para arreglar el problema; una vez salia del local dicho encargado le dijo de forma un poco descarada y delante de todo mundo al chico q nos atendia q si no solucionaba nada en una hora mas q nos dejara asi ( la verdad q he trabajado en atención al cliente, tengo mucha paciencia y entiendo q el empleado no tiene culpa y q el encargado se quisiera ir..... Pero todos nos queríamos ir al final....creo q hay formas y formas.....al final el encargado se fue y dejinel marron a otro empleado q de forma mucho más amable logramos llegar a un acuerdo). En fin, para mi la actitud del encargado fue completamente lamentable, no tiene ni carisma ni paciencia
Yo había contratado el alquiler con un seguro completo, pero al llegar al mostrador de GOLDCAR en Sr. que me atendió me dice que ese seguro no me cubría casi nada, por lo que me cobró U$S 198.00
por una nueva póliza, lo que considero una estafa por parte de ese empresa. También me cobró otro monto por el combustible diciendo que al efectuar la devolución se me acreditaría la cantidad correspondiente al combustible con el que devolviera la unidad en pocos días, lo que nunca ocurrió ya que lo entregué con mas de un cuarto de tanque.
Considero una estafa por el hecho que luego y a través de Uds. también alquilé otro auto en la ciudad de Cordoba con el mismo seguro y no me cobraron absolutamente nada, diciéndome que estaba totalmente cubierto contra todo riesgo lo que fué totalmente cierto, y no solo eso sino que al no tener disponible una unidad como la que había elegido, me entregaron una de categoría superior. No se si esto les puede servir de algo, pero quería dejar asentada mi desconformidad con la empresa GOLDCAR. Gracias.
Worst customer service ever, stood in que for 3 hours to pick up car. Un helpful staff, car was disgustingly dirty with tire pressure light on. couldn’t complain as I would have been waiting another 3 hours to get another one.
They sting you with paying for the full tank of fuel in the vehicle and then a 'service charge'. The usual trying to upsell which gets boring to listen to by pushy desk staff.
Staff at Barcelona airport tried to upsell insurance and charged extra claiming the car we reserved wasn't available. With the help of QEEQ customer service, we eventually got the car we booked. Although the process was convoluted, we were satisfied with the outcome.
Initially booked with AVIS, but remembered the unpleasant experience in Los Angeles where AVIS forced insurance charges. Switched to Europcar before the trip. Both pickup and dropoff were smooth without excessive upselling. We got the car we wanted.
The wait time was too long. I was supposed to pick up the car at 1 PM, but I didn't get it until 2 PM. There were only two people in line in front of me.
Меджер предложил два варианта:
Ждать забронированую машину 2часа или взять более дорогую и уехать сейчас. Развод чистой воды! Пришлось согласится так как был с ребёнком.
Плюс называет итоговую сумму в евро, списывают в долларах с комиссией, без предупреждения! С начала берет карту, блокирует деньги, потом даёт читать контракт! В итоге заплатил на 120 евро больше чем планировал.
Picked up the car at Barcelona T1. Waited in line for about 15 minutes. The customer service representative was very friendly and although they did try to sell additional insurance, they weren't pushy. Just say no if you don't need it. The car pickup was in the underground garage, simply take the keys and go. Returns are at the same location as the pick-up. The parking lot is next to Area A. Make sure not to park in the wrong lot, or you will have to pay. Although there was only one person checking the returned cars, the process was quite fast, taking roughly 10 minutes per car.
There was quite a crowd waiting to pick up cars but they have a docket system ensures everyone takes their turn. Once at the counter all went smoothly and staff were informative and friendly.
Arrived 40 minutes early. Normally, after completing the formalities at Terminal 1, I would rush to the parking lot at Terminal 2. There was no car available. Numerous phone calls were made back and forth, and it took 54 minutes past the scheduled pick-up time to get the car. It really messed up my plans. Returning the car in advance went smoothly.
Renting was ok although it took 30mins for the shuttle bus to arrive and 1h for the guys to give me a car, there was a long cue and I think it was managed poorly in terms of personnel, time, and space (too crowded).
At the counter, they told us there were no cars of the model we reserved, but there was one nearby. They only gave us a car that was just returned from another city, making us feel like we were overcharged for the one-way fee.
“Thrifty не так хорош, как кажется. Но они быстро возвращают депозит.”
About Thrifty:7.2/10
Я очень долго ждал оформления (почему? Ведь машина была предоплачена). И потом снова ждал на выдаче. Мне постоянно пытались продать дополнительные опции. В конечном итоге мне выдали машину с меньшим объемом багажника, чем я заказал.
Это был мой первый опыт с Thrifty, и мне не хотелось бы его повторить. У Thrifty высокий рейтинг, так что, возможно, мне просто не повезло.
About QEEQ:10.0/10
Все отлично! Благодаря вам перестал заказывать машины на домашних сайтах любимых прокатчиков.
The waiting time was too long, typically taking over an hour. Just after getting off the plane and being very tired, such a long wait was really exhausting.
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