My reservation was for a petrol car. After giving me the pickup slip, they chased me to the garage to take it back and changed it before handing it back to me. I realized it was an electric car after driving for over 200 kilometers. When I asked in English at the store whether the car was petrol or diesel, the staff acted like they didn't understand, even after I asked several times. I then realized why they pretended not to understand. It's not just about attitude; I could understand their bad attitude after I refused to buy their insurance, but pretending not to understand 'petrol,' 'diesel,' and then changing the car was just dishonest.
As few other people I was scammed for "taxes" on the spot even though I paid the whole sum of the rent beforehand. Thus a one-star experience, not recommended.
This rental company has the longest queues at the airport, and their service attitude is extremely poor! They only give you two options: either buy additional insurance costing hundreds of euros, regardless of whether you have already purchased insurance through Zuzuche, or pay a deposit of 1400 euros along with a fuel fee of over 200 euros! Moreover, the deposit refund takes up to 28 days! Zuzuche did not inform in advance about the high deposit; when I asked customer service, they just told me to pay and said that cancellation was not an option.
Primera y última vez. Contratación engañosa. Para dejar una franquicia de 1.400€ es necesario tener un límite de 3.000€ en la tarjeta que no pone en ninguna parte. Total que el seguro que hice no sirvió de nada y tuvimos que pagar 123€ extras al no poder hacer la franquicia ya que "sólo" tenia un límite de 2.000€.
About QEEQ:8.0/10
Primera y última vez. Contratación engañosa. Para dejar una franquicia de 1.400€ es necesario tener un límite de 3.000€ que no pone en ninguna parte. Total que el seguro que hice no sirvió de nada y tuvimos que pagar 123€ extras al no poder hacer la franquicia ya que "sólo" tenia un límite de 2.000€.
The guy on the desk at Goldcar was possibly the rudest person I have ever dealt with. He definitely shouldn’t work in customer service. He was very put out we had our own Insurance and therefore did not require his. If goldcar and up as an option in qeeq again I would not book.
The biggest problem was that we booked an automatic A3 car but ended up with a manual SUV Sportage. As you can imagine, it was a nightmare on narrow roads and steep hills. Additionally, they didn’t inform us at all and just pushed us hard to buy full insurance. We already purchased full insurance via the rental platform, which they didn’t recognize. They insisted we buy full insurance again for 130 euros including tax for three days, whereas in other countries, buying it is optional. Only after disputing for over an hour did the manager finally agree that it wasn't mandatory. They also didn’t tell us it was a manual car. We realized it once we got in the car and saw the manual gearbox, but by then, we were too tired to argue.
I had already paid the airport pick-up fee, but even after the rental company's customer service and the airport staff communicated, they still claimed they couldn't see it in the system and charged me a high airport pick-up fee again. They told me that C-marked cars couldn't enter the city center and that if a camera caught me, I would have to pay a hefty fine. They suggested I switch to an Echo-marked car for an additional cost; however, in reality, C-marked cars can enter the designated core areas of the city as long as the car is parked in an underground garage and a photo of the parking ticket is kept for reference. This is completely different from what the rental company staff said. They also threatened that the insurance I bought through the rental platform was useless and that they wouldn't help if anything happened, exaggerating to intimidate me. This was the worst rental car company and staff I encountered in Spain. In the end, I insisted on choosing directly through the rental platform, and the staff looked very displeased and did not give me the car model I booked; they only provided a Peugeot 308 and would not respond to my questions anymore.
“Tolles Auto und Service bei Abholung und Abgabe, aber nachträgliche unkorrekte Treibstoffverrechnung”
About GOLDCAR:8.0/10
Sehr unzufrieden bin ich mit der automatischen Verrechnung für das Füllen des Tankes nach der Abgabe. Ich habe das Auto beim Flughafen voll getankt und auch so abgegeben. Ich fühle mich herein gelegt und bin nicht bereit, die mir verrechneten Kosten zu akzeptieren. Ich habe goldcar umgehend geschrieben, aber noch keine Antwort erhalten.
About QEEQ:10.0/10
Tiptop. Ich hoffe, QEEQ verhilft mir zu meinem Recht in Bezug auf die unkorrekte Benzinverrechnung.
“Very disappointing rental at Goldcar, and low clarity on qeeq”
About GOLDCAR:3.0/10
Service was terrible. They made me wait an hour because my flight was early. Not even because car was not ready.
Took me 30 mins to wait for someone to come to look at a body hit on the car.
On return they took more than than 10 min to examine every inch of the car with flashlight and photos. Found nothing.
They charged 25% tax on the 90 EU extra pay for border crossing in Europe. A disgrace
En el momento de devolución del vehículo/llaves tuvimos dificultades. El empleado llegó tarde al mostrador y no de muy buen humor. Al realizarle la consulta de cuando me desbloquearian el importe depósito por el combustible, me respondió de manera no del todo correcta que ese mismo día. A día de hoy todavía lo tengo pendiente de desbloquear. Me gustaría que me aclararan este asunto
“Para no volver a hacer una reserva de vehiculo con esta empresa!!”
About GOLDCAR:5.0/10
El día que llegamos a recoger el vehiculo (Ford Fiesta o similar) nos dicen que ellos no tienen Forg Fiesta y lo que tenemos reservado es un Fiat 500!! Los mismo empleados nos dicen que es un coche de categoría inferior. Despues (siempre segun Qeeq) al parecer son de la misma categoría. Viajen ustedes 4 adultos en uno y en el otro y cuentenme si la esperiencia es "similar". Al entregar el vehiculo nadie vino para ver en que condiciones se entrega. Se deja en una plaza donde cualquiera podría rayarlo o causarles desperfectos sin que haya constancia de que fue entregado en buenas condiciones o por lo menos las mismas en las que fue recogido!! Hay que de nuevo fotografiar el vehiculo por todas partes y con dia y hora en la foto por si acaso!!!
About QEEQ:8.0/10
Qeeq acepta esa "similitud" de Ford Fiesta a Fiat 500 (que los dueños de esta empresa viajen cuatro adultos en uno y en el otro... y después nos cuenten su experiencia!!), y además, par mas INRI me enseñan capturas de pantalla donde el Fiat es mas caro que el Ford (será que ellos mismos no saben que un vehículo varía su precio de un día al siguiente según demanda??)
The store charged additional fees unfairly, claiming that the Spanish driving license of the driver was less than 5 years old, and therefore charged more than 30 euros as per their website regulations. Fortunately, after seeking help from the rental car platform, it was confirmed that only drivers under 26 years old with less than 5 years of driving experience should be charged. The rental car platform quickly refunded us the fee.
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